The value will be EOS_Success if the SDK initialized successfully otherwise, the value will indicate an error, such as EOS_Alread圜onfigured. The EOS_Initialize_ThreadAffinity structure is a set of affinity masks which identify categories of threads to use.ĮOS_Initialize returns an EOS_EResult to indicate success or failure. When set to null, the EOS SDK will use a default scheme for determining thread affinity. The information, if it is provided, will be used when creating any threads during the operation of the EOS SDK. If provided then the information will be passed to the EOS InitializeOptions structure, where is the system being initialized.Ī field for any thread affinity initialization that is EOS_Initialize_ThreadAffinity type. Your custom free function, of type EOS_ReleaseMemoryFunc, or NULLĪ field for any system-specific initialization.
Your custom realloc function, of type EOS_ReallocateMemoryFunc, or NULL This function must return pointers that honor memory alignment.